So, before the craziness of fashion week started, but right after I got back from Seattle, I went dancing with my friend Lex and her boyfriend. I got so caught up with FW that I forgot to post these, so sorry for the delay! But, my intention in having her snap these photos, was to show yet another fun way to wear denim. I am sure you remember these wide-legged beauties when I wore them here and then again, here, and now, here they are again—on a random night out in NYC. One reason I am sharing these photos/outfit with you guys is because I think it’s important to continually incorporate denim into your wardrobe, but to try and keep it fresh and interesting. For instance, this outfit isn’t particularly innovative or exciting, but in my opinion, what keeps you guessing, is the massive bell bottom that unassumingly pops out at you. What do you guys think of this style of denim? Be nice! :)
Click below to read about the outfit and to see a few more photos!
My Outfit:
Necklaces: Random ribbon and chain, Grandmother’s vintage watch on chain
Tank: Theory, gifted to my from Lex
Jacket: H&M
Jeans: Mossimo from Target
Purse: Vintage from the Vintage Closet
Shoes: Can’t see, but are my nude patent leather heels from F21