Mike Gonzalez Turban / East Village Frames / APART Faux-Fur Reversible Vest (c/o) / APART Art School Dress (c/o) / F21 Maxi Skirt / Charlotte Russe Rings and Bracelets / Seychelles Booties
Yesterday was like Christmas had come early. I received a ton of boxes on our front stoop and among the goods were a pair of Seychelle booties from Gilt Groupe and some lovely goodies from APART style, including this dress (worn as a top) and this reversible vest. So, with the final day of the remix challenge upon me, it was only natural to want to incorporate a few of these fantastic pieces into my overall look. And let me tell you, this outfit was a whole lot of fun to wear and traipse around in. I felt very glamourous and demure.
However, after reading this cheeky blog written up in the New York Times yesterday, I learned that apparently my drapey/eclectic ensemble was actually a “Man Repeller” outfit. Ha! Pretty funny actually. I mean, if you think about it, most styles and outfits that we gals like, our boys are not always in favor of. Because let’s be honest, I have all the fixings here for an outfit that my guy might not appreciate so much, i.e. loose fitting clothing, long sleeves and multiple layers, plus nerd chic glasses and a hipster chic headpiece. A, are you reading? What do you think of this look? (Actually, I am really lucky, because he appreciates my style, and wants me to wear what makes me happy, even if it’s not his favorite thing.) Personally, I sort of love this outfit. It makes me feel like I belong on a a boat in the 1920’s floating down the Nile River.
As for the turban look, it’s new for me, but I have been wanting to try it for a while now. I knew it was time when Laney gifted me this chic Mike Gonzalez head-wrap the day I left for Seattle, and I think I’m diggin’ it. Thoughts? Don’t forget to head on over to Krystal’s blog to check out her version of this maxi dress remix!
***Special announcement…I will be posting more on the weekends while in Seattle, so make sure to check back on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the rest of December!***