Here in New York, the weather is currently trying its damndest to transition into fall, seeing that it’s almost mid-September. But, at times it gets confused and reverts back to its humid ways, making us all de-layer and continue to don summery dresses and open-toed sandals for yet another week. Don’t get me wrong, I love summer and warm days, but I also love fall, and layering. Which, brings me to the topic at hand. On my way out of yoga the other evening, I snapped a picture of this jacket shown here in a Gap ad, which is very similar to one that I recently purchased on sale from Banana Republic.
I checked online to see if it was still available, but had no luck. However, I did find the short-sleeved peacoat online from the Gap (shown above), and think it’s the perfect item to wear during the changing of seasons. It incorporates my favorite thing to do with clothing, which I mentioned above but will say again, and that is layering! The great thing about this style of jacket is, it leaves you just unbundled enough allowing you to escape that bogged-down-feeling of a winter coat, and gives you a lightly layered, autumn-y feel instead. I love the way the shirt extends out from the jacket’s short sleeves adding an interesting dynamic to this amended peacoat. So, throw this baby on over a long-sleeve button down or tee, and effortlessly transition into the fall season. The combination of the two will provide you with just the right amount of warmth needed for that perfect, crisp fall day. And, with that said, I wish you all a happy Friday and a merry weekend!