When I put this outfit together, I started with the fact that I wanted to mix this dark floral strapless dress, which is actually a skirt, with another patterned item. That’s when I saw one of my favorite shirts sticking out of my closet, that has, up until now, been a little too warm to wear because it is pure polyester and doesn’t breathe. But, seeing that the weather is starting to change and it was pretty windy outside, I thought, why not. The outfit took on a mind of its own after that. On went the leather vest and gray knee high socks, which I have been digging lately. (Thanks Mom!) Lastly, I slipped on my green suede peep toes for a nice contrast. Once fully dressed, I decided a change in scenery for my daily outfit shot would be refreshing, so I snapped a bunch of photos in different areas around downtown. On my way out, I had thrown an alternate pair of heels in my bag before I left and switched halfway through. Which color do you like better? Hunter green or maroon?
All in all, I think the “photo shoot” was a success. I managed to put aside my fears of being photographed while on the street as random people passed by. I figure I’ll never see them again, so why the heck not! The scenery is too amazing in New York to be intimidated by what others might think. I am going to try and take my own advice from now on and use the city as my backdrop as much as I can. And, I would just like to add, that you my dear readers, continuously play a huge part in helping me feel confident about the content I put up on this blog, so let me just say, thanks! xoxo
My Outfit:
Sunglasses: Vintage from 20twenty in Ballard
Earrings: Urban Outfitters
Necklace: Fred Flare
Vest: H&M
Blouse: Thrifted from Beacon’s Closet
Dress: Express
Socks: ? Gift from my Mom
Shoes: Green peep toes—Franco Sarto, thrifted from Beacon’s Closet
Maroon booties—Nine West