We can all dream of the gifts that we either want ourselves or wish we could give to our loved ones, but when times are tough, one has to be creative and thrifty. So, although there may be a few splurge items throughout the next couple weeks, most items will top out around $50! Not too shabby. Hope this MSP Gift Guide not only inspires you but brings a smile to your face. Happy December!
I couldn’t help but start the Gift Guide with presents for…my new puppy! I am headed home to Seattle in two weeks and when I get there, we are going to pick up a baby bull mastiff! My parents have been sending me photos of the pups over the past few weeks and I can’t wait.We are going to name him Barnaby after my Grandmother Rita’s maiden name. Hurrah!
Listed clockwise:
A cherry collar for when he’s all grown up.
His very own New York City taxi cab.
His stocking will be stuffed with treats!
A big bowl for a big boy!
A comfy pad for when he gets sleepy.