I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again…I think it’s important to remain “real” as a blogger and show sides of yourself that aren’t always perfectly posed or edited. So, I give you this photo, just for fun.
My Dad spontaneously took this picture as we were cleaning up after a light dinner outside on the patio. What I love most about this photo is how truly “real” it is. When I am hanging around my house, helping my parents with the dishes, I am usually wearing some cutoff t-shirt, and happy as a clam.
Also, doesn’t my Mom look so pretty here? I think so. Anyway, this is a more personal post than I usually put up, but I felt it was important to just share a bit of me with you all of you. After all, you guys are such honest, loyal and loving readers. I guess I just wanted to just say thanks, and hope I can continue to bring a smile to your face as you do to mine. xoxo
P.S. For those of you that might be wondering…yes, that is a huge orange orangutan that is hanging above the sink. My Dad bough it for the Barnster, but after realizing that he would probably tear it to shreds, he decided to keep it up and out of reach, in a very “special” place. Poor Barney.