H&M Necklace / Cake Cardigan / Gifted Josie Natori Top / Naf Naf Belt / Forever 21 Dotted Silky Skirt / Forever 21 Heels
Yesterday was muggy, then rainy, then muggy all over again, which meant that I spent most of the day in front of my airconditioner doing work. But thanks to one dear KeikoLynn and her Makeup Monday post, I became inspired to put my “face on,” get dressed and step outside of my very comfortable apartment into the thick, humid air. Despite the dewy glow I received seconds later, I bucked up, continued on my way, and had a good time snapping outfit photos.
As for where I wore this ensemble…I attended a movie preview with my lovely friend Becky. I lugged my rain boots along for back up, just in case the weather turned, but in the end, they lent themselves as a fun prop.
Lastly, I give you the polka dot skirt remix, just two days in. For those of you just joining, I have decided to take this on as a mini challenge, so stay tuned this week to see what I come up with! xoxo