I thought it would be fun to catch you all up on some of the fun things I did during Fashion Week, so I decided to create a mini photo montage of my favorite snaps from throughout the week.
Chictopia Conference
Kim getting styled up!
Lindsay from Cubicle Chic.
I was lucky enough to cover the Chictopia 10 Social Influence Summit and I got to hang out with many more lovely bloggers—old and new friends—and check out the cute items from Kmart’s new clothing line, Style Sip. I scored a cute black chunky knit scarf and a pair of lace-printed leggings.
Allison Parris Presentation
Pretty, feminine pieces at Allison Parris.
Lori Goldstein’s LOGO Instant Chic “re-chic” Party!
The fabulous Lori Goldstein showcasing her awesome line, which is available on QVC. For some reason I’m posing and cheesing it up in the background.
Keiko and Bobby!
I met Claire from Faboo last September at the Weardrobe Conference, and a year later she moved to the city to start school. I hope to see more of her soon…she’s pretty awesome.
My dear friend Audrey made the macaroons! She is super talented and I like to invite myself over to her apartment for her homemade meals. They are delish!
Tory Burch Presentation
Gorgeous, gorgeous pieces at Tory Burch. I wanted everything!
The amazing and talented Karen!
Michael Kors SS11
Look closely…see some fashion legends in there somewhere?
My LOGO Instant Chic ring!
RayBan Wayfarers / Thrifted Blazer (Value Village) / Printed Blouse (Value Village) / Forever 21 Skirt / Thrifted Belt / Forever 21 Booties / H&M Bag / LOGO Instant Chic Ring
Keiko’s amazing skirt that she designed and made herself.
On our way out, we ran into a bunch of street style photogs waiting to snap photos. My friend, Jason of Citizen Couture was there and he kindly took this photo of me and Keiko. :)