F21 Beanie / Emma Stine “Golden Fauna” earrings (c/o) / F21 Shirt / Loft “Military Wool Jacket” / H&M Belt / Thrifted Skirt (Value Village) / Thrifted Seychelles Heels (Buffalo Exchange)
I was talking to Krystal via gchat last night and was telling her how I’ve realized that, although I may be a chameleon when it comes to all the different types of styles I wear, I mainly bounce between preppy, classic, edgy and back again. This trifecta allows me a lot of freedom to wear many various items and feel creative when putting together an ensemble. Case in point, this outfit is extremely different than… this, this, this, this or even this oldie but goodie, but I’m comfortable in each look and they all feel like my style. I guess I just like variety when it comes to my clothes.
What style would you say defines you? I would love to know! xoxo
P.S. I wanted to share a quick note behind each item (you can see where everything is from under the first photo), because I am particularly fond of all of these pieces separately and together:
Beanie: Makes me feel cozy and I love the shade of gray.
Earrings: Made by the very talented designer, Emma Stine, who I love to support.
Shirt: My bat-wing gray top (worn here) is uber comfortable and an easy layering piece.
Blazer: Brand new and twice on sale and has a removable collar. Have been eyeing it for a while and was able to get it with some Christmas money from my Godmother…thanks P!
Skirt: Thrifted for about $7, which, on top of loving the skirt, the pricetag is pretty awesome in itself. (Excuse the wrinkly pleats!)
Shoes: Not only are they Seychelles, one of my favorite shoe brands, but they are in a rust color that I have been searching for over the past few months.