1: Casey and I are in desperate need of a living room wall makeover, so I’m really loving this gallery wall for inspiration.
2: Our bedroom in the apartment is really dark, which can be nice when sleeping in, but I still love a bright yet cozy bedroom.
3: Sharing this image just because these cute girls make me smile.
4: Again with that natural light! A nice bright, white kitchen would be so amazing to cook in, don’t you think?
5: Colorful clothing is great, but sometimes all black everything is all a girl needs.
6: Working on attaining cool fonts and came across these awesome free ones!
As I ease into January and get back into the swing of things, I’ve been thinking about a few things I want to try and be more consistent with on a daily basis. I have my bigger life long goals, like keeping up with my gym routine, eating healthy and drinking more water, but I also have smaller, slightly less intimidating goals.
One in particular being more proactive and present on Pinterest! I remember a few years ago when Ben Silbermann approached me at an IFB conference, handed me his business card and told me he had started a site called Pinterest. I didn’t really know what it was back then but it’s so amazing to see where the company is today. It’s truly such a great place to find and share inspirations as well as a great way to keep everything visually organized.
1: I really want to be somewhere warm in the upcoming months. These palm trees have me dreaming of the beaches in California.
2: Cream colored, cozy turtleneck knits are my jam. I love my oversized one I found for $5 at Value Village!
3: DIY chalkboard mugs! LOVE.
4: The lovely Arielle from Something Navy, looking stylish as usual. I want to recreate/DIY this look with a cheap pair of faux leather pants.
5: Easy to make (and healthy) egg muffins! Yummmm.
6: Le sigh. Emmanuelle Alt makes me want to own only simple, classic pieces. And tuck my shirt in. And wear blazers.
That said, as silly as this might sound, sometimes I just get so overwhelmed with everything that is out there and feel like I’m on social media overload at times. That there are more blogs and vlogs than I can ever read or watch, that I’m not posting enough on my own platforms and that I will never be able to tackle and clean out my overcrowded inbox. Because the truth is, instead of delving in, sometimes I just shut down. Does that ever happen to you guys? Ugh, it can be the worst!
But the thing is, I’m not complaining or being negative…actually the opposite. I want to take a look at what’s overwhelming me and slowly but surely, carve out time for what needs to be taken care of, take it one step at a time, and get it done. So, one of the things I’m starting with is, growing and expanding my presence on Pinterest. I want to share more inspiration with you guys, because well, it’s visually stimulating, inspiring, makes me happy, and it’s fun! I’m excited to delve in even deeper and fall down many amazing “pin holes” if you will.
So, in an effort to start flexing my P-muscles, I dug around and found a bunch of images (and the sites they came from) that I like at the moment to share with you guys. You can follow even more of my pins and boards here, so I hope you guys will follow along!
As always, thanks for stopping by and reading what I have to say.
I’m always so appreciative of you guys and your amazing support. xoxo