Weekend, you were grand. You were the perfect mix of indulgent fun and relaxing moments, and I thank you for it. I am also happy to report that I was able to get a lot of outfit (both photo and video) footage this past weekend, so I will be sharing what I wore tomorrow, not only on the blog, but on my YouTube channel as well!
To that end…I also am going to start a second channel – a vlog – which will be about my personal life and anything else that doesn’t exactly fall under the category of fashion – we are talking more lifestyle, food, my cat, Casey, travel, family etc. So, if you guys are into that and would want to watch, please let me know because I am hoping to start it sooner than later! YAY! xoxo
P.S. I changed my hair up (again!) over the weekend at Arrojo thanks to the talented Francesca, and am really happy with it! More to come on that soon, but in the meantime, what do you guys think? I absolutely love it. :)