This coat is currently 40 percent off at Banana Republic if you use the code BRWISH so head on over there now and scoop it before it sells out! I did a fun remix with it and showed two different ways to wear it so just click on the read more to check it out!
Banana Republic Coat: Initial post
Left outfit: Aritzia Turtleneck (similar) | Forever 21 Scarf (similar and on sale for half off!) | Rag & Bone Leather Pants | Kenneth Cole Booties (gift – currently 30 percent off!) | Forever 21 Sunglasses
Right outfit: Nanette Lepore Blouse (gift) | Rag & Bone Leather Pants (can be found on eBay for half the price!)| Dr. Scholl’s Flats (similar) | FashionABLE Tote (gift) | Kate Moss for Rimmel Lipstick in 48 | BonLook Sunglasses
Have a great Monday!