My dears, I give you… my lovely Mother! This was taken right before we hopped into the car to head to La Jolla. Isn’t she so cute and stylish?!
Before I left for California and was trying to pack, I decided that I wanted to only bring a few staple items and mix and match them together. So, above are photos I gathered together to share with you some of the casual pieces I brought to wear on the trip. I must say that I got the most wear out of my basic black jersey dress, which proved to be perfect for the beach, and my trusty black blazer, which I often just threw over whatever outfit I was already wearing. It added that slight bit of warmth needed when the wind picked up, but was light enough that I didn’t feel hot or too layered while in the sun. And, I mustn’t forget my very favorite scarf…it seems to go with anything, whether it is a horizontal striped top or just a plain gray t-shirt.
Anyway, back to the vacation. So, day three was spent soaking up the last pleasures that Coronado had to offer. We visited a very cool, old Navy shipyard and then came back to spend a few hours on the beach before finally hopping in the car to head to beautiful La Jolla! Stay tuned for more pics from the last days of our glorious trip! SPxx