Hi guys! So, I have another post coming today, which should be up around 12, but in the meantime, I wanted you all to meet my new fur baby! Yesterday, Casey and I adopted this pretty little kitty from Social Tees, located in East Village. We don’t know a lot about her back story, just that she was abandoned and left to fend for herself. :( Luckily, she was scooped up, pulled out of the kill shelter she was in and serendipitously arrived in front of us at just the right time, yesterday afternoon. They said she was one of the fastest adoptions they had ever seen because once we saw her, it took us all of two minutes to make the decision to take her home. Anyway, she is adjusting nicely and loves being pet while cuddling with us on the couch. She purrs like a little motor, and we are totally in love with her.
Here are a couple photos (who am I kidding I have like 100 on my phone) I took that I thought would be fun to share with you guys.
Oh, and we named her Susan, which has already turned into Suz, Suzy-Q and Bunny (not sure where that came from haha). xo