(This photo is from the night I told my best friend Liz that I had started a blog.)
Nine years ago today, I published my very first post on My Style Pill. As I sit here and reminisce, I still can’t believe that it’s been that long. It was in the middle of the recession and people were losing their jobs like crazy. Heck, at that point, I had already lost one editorial job in December 2007, before getting hired at Women’s Day Special Interest Publications in the early spring of 2008. If any of you remember Martha Stewart’s magazine, Blueprint, (now merely a Wikipedia page), I had been working there as a market editor for just three months before it shut down. That was a sad, sad day.
When I started the blog, it was on a whim and basically a creative outlet away from my 9-5 job as a home design magazine editor. I had no clue what I was doing, or where the blog would take me, but I was excited and passionate about creating something that was all mine. At this point, it was late in 2008 and I had just turned 27, with truly no idea what was in front of me career wise. It was a scary time, because little did I know I would only continue to work as market editor for just another 6 months before losing my job a second time. That last layoff would end up being the tipping point that would take me out of the corporate world and lead me into blogging full time, but that is a longer story for another day. :)
I get so nostalgic thinking back to all those memories. Back to when it was just called Style Pill…Get Your Daily Dose, (click here, to see my very first outfit post ever!) and still had wordpress.com attached to the domain. Back to the beginning stages, realizing how unknown the blogging territory was and how steep the learning curve was as well. It really blows my mind when I sit down and truly think about it, but I digress.
Today and going forward, I am working on some pretty exciting changes regarding the blog, which is in the process of getting a facelift and will be so fun to share with you in the next month or so. As the blog moves into its 9th year, I will also be honing in on what type of content you guys want to see so if there is anything specific you want me to cover, please let me know in the comments!
Anyway, sending out a huge thank you to you guys. I know some of you have been following me from the very beginning and for that I am so incredibly grateful. And for those of you that might be brand new to my site, I am so happy to have you here! Thank you for all the continuous support – I couldn’t have done it without you, my amazing readers. Much love. xo
P.S. For your viewing pleasure, click here to see the the archives of September 2008.
Enjoy! ;)