I am often inspired by my friend’s style and love to share their outfits. Today I would like to feature my dear friend Lex and her individual style and finesse. I love how she puts things together and I believe her to be the only person I know that can wear two completely different earrings and make it look like it wasn’t a mistake. She can also show up to a casual bar wearing an almost entirely pink outfit—dress, nails, shoes—and not look like she is trying too hard, or resembles a pink cupcake. In this case, this outfit is one of her more causal looks, but is just as put together as anything else she might wear. I am loving her shoes—a present from her awesome boyf—and I like how she pairs different metals and jewels together. All in all, super cute and stylish, yet casual and comfortable.
And, for fun, here are a few more shots of Brooklyn and Manhattan on Saturday. Wasn’t it just lovely out? What did you all do this weekend?