Whew! What a wonderful, whirlwind of a weekend, full of incredible girls, awesome activities and fantastic sponsors. I hardly stopped moving from Friday to Monday, so I am a little behind on posting…but, I now have tons and tons of cool content and photos to share, so I will be recapping everyday, along with posting my outfits I wore over this past weekend, plus my daily outfits all this week, so get ready!
To read a play-by-place of the conference and to see some fun action shots…
So. To begin. Friday at 4:30, the Weardrobe Conference began! I have to admit, I was a little nervous to meet all the girls, but mostly just excited and curious about what the weekend was going to be like. Walking into the suite at the Gramercy Park Hotel, it was like instant eye candy to see all these stylish girls standing around chatting. I tried my hardest to be social right off the bat, but all I wanted to do was stare! Everyone looked so fabulous. But on top of that, everyone was so nice and very approachable. Once everyone arrived, we headed out to the street where Eddie, an amazing street photographer, shot every single one of us (19 girls, total!). Afterwards, we went back up to the suite where gift bags from our sponsors were waiting for us. I swear, it was like Christmas! I can’t thank these people and companies enough. Each product and brand was so amazing. More to come on that fun stuff later this week!
To wrap up the first night, we ordered pizza and sat around and just relaxed and got to know each other. Then, after a quick glass of wine with a few girls up top at the penthouse bar, I took myself home and fell into bed, exhausted but happy.
I would just like to send out a huge thank you to everyone for such an amazing first day! Check back tomorrow to hear all about our Saturday eating, shopping and thrifting in Brooklyn! (Just a little side note…I decided to identify each girl by calling and then linking her by the name of her blog, that you all get very familiar with each one because they are rockin’!)
(Gaggle of girls behind me) Style Rookie –Fashion Pirates– The Fashion Void that is DC– The Owls Are Not What They Seem– Blue Collar Catwalk
(Girls closest to the camera) Me!- This Time Tomorrow – The Clothes Horse – Kanas Couture
Jess of Weardrobe and What I Wore, Rich of Weardrobe
Greta’s Guide, Jess of Weardrobe and What I Wore
The Clothes Horse–This Time Tomorrow
Faboo Madness, Flying a Kite, Style Magnet
Eddie shooting Style Rookie and Fashion Pirates
Eddie shooting This Time Tomorrow
Fun times!