The last day of the conference was a tearful one as we all sat around and munched bagels and talked about how much fun we had over the past couple of days. We also got to partake in an awesome clothing swap and even though I didn’t bring anything, I think I managed to take some things off other people’s hands. A huge thanks to Claire, Keiko, Kyla and Krystal for my cool new duds!
Clothing swap!
Left: Suz scored some cool super high heels. Right: Smiles and hugs all around!
Me and Jess posing for the Weardrobe photo booth. We were a little reluctant at first since we all just shared our testimonials of the weekend, and yes, there were some tears! The conference and the girls were THAT cool!
Noel from The Owls Are Not What They Seem
O.M.G. So, as I was leaving the hotel, I saw Giovanna Battaglia! I absolutely HEART her style and was completely speechless when I saw her. I wish I had the guts to ask her for an actual photograph, but this was all I could muster. A huge thanks to Joelle from The Owls Are Not What They Seem, for “posing” for a photo as I took a quick snap of Giovanna, who was standing behind her. Look at that outfit! Even from the back, she looks chic!