Dearies, meet MacBook. MacBook, meet all my lovely readers.
Wow, what a whirlwind last night was, walking into the Mac store in U-Village and picking up a very new addition to my life. I think I was in the store for maybe 20 minutes, total. I was greeted with very friendly and efficient staff, made my payment, and then just as I began wandering over to play with one of the iPhone’s while waiting for my new computer, I turned around and there it was in all its glory. You can imagine my excitement—seeing that I make half my living by sitting in front of a computer, and my old, yet trusty iBook G4 is slowly hitting the dust, to get a brand new machine that would make all my (work) dreams come true. Well, folks, this girl is definitely excited. Just wanted to yell from the cybertops that…I HEART MACS! Ok, aaaand we’re back to fashion. Stay tuned to see all what I packed in my suitcase to Seattle, and the Little Black Dress I chose for my remix challenge. Get EXCITED people!