Urban Outfitters Hat / H&M Sunglasses / J.Crew Necklace, Sweater and Purse / F21 Jeans / Zara Boots / Accessorize Ring
Let me ask you…how do you guys feel about cable knit sweaters? Or any thick knit sweaters for that matter? I love this version from J.Crew (it’s a pretty tan/oatmeal color) but am still on the fence about whether or not I think it’s actually flattering. The problem being, I literally feel thicker when I wear it, like an inch or two has been added to my upper half. And I don’t feel comfortable layering anything under it because that adds even more bulk. (And you know I like to get my layering on.) It really is a love/hate relationship. Do you have any pieces in your closet that fit this description?
On another note, aren’t you happy it’s Friday? I sure am. Have a wonderful weekend, friends! xoxo