I am LOVING the shorter length of my new dress! Don’t get me wrong, I like to switch it up and wear longer skirts from time to time—kudos to those ladies that have lovely long legs who always look so demure in their below the knee skirts (jealous!)—but, I do know what works on my body and it is important to work with what you have, wear styles that flatter you, and love whatcha momma gave you…so, I will continue to strive for that. OK. With that said, that is only my personal opinion, so tell me dearies, what do you think of this new length? And as always, please keep it nice ‘n sweet!
My Outfit:
Hat: Urban Outfitters
Necklace: Grandmother’s watch on chain
Vest: ?
Dress: Thrifted, Vintage store in Ballard
Purse: Thrifted, Value Village
Shoes: Thrifted, Vintage Ferragamo heels
CLICK BELOW to see the before and after outfits side by side!