Ooo la la, I’m on Gilt! Check out the mini feature, here!
Interview with iStyle!
Yay! My interview with Laura from iStyle just went up this morning. If you haven’t checked out the site yet, do so now! And, to read the full story, click here! Thanks Laura! xoxo
As Seen In: Beautiful
Eeee! Even though I am a little late on sharing this, I am still so excited about this feature! Check out the interview here! A huge thanks to Abby!
As Seen In: What I Wore, and Blue is in Fashion This Year
Featured on: Save For Later!
Wow, this was such a treat! The lovely Elizabeth of the blog, Save For Later, featured me today! She said such sweet things about my remixes and I am just so glad I could bring inspiration to another person. That is really my goal each day that I blog, so…yay! Read the full feature, here. Thanks again, Elizabeth!
Featured on Weardrobe!
Hurrah! My outfit was featured on the front page of the awesome fashion communnity, Weardrobe! If you haven’t checked out their site, you definitely should. It is a great place to express your inner style, meet other cool fashionistas and bloggers, and just get inspired!
Thanks so much Weardrobe! xoxo
As Seen In:!
Playing catch up.
Hello, my Loves. So, this has been quite the busy week and I feel as if I haven’t had much time to myself or to post many things, so my apologies! Anyway, a while back I had mentioned that I was going to interview the very talened fashion designer Yigal Azrouel and that it was to appear on the awesome blog, The Daily Obsession. Well, due to the craziness of the past few days, I haven’t even had time to crosslink to it and share it with you all! So, here it is!