Would you like to sponsor My Style Pill for the holidays? I am now accepting ads for December and January.
I have lots of lovely, fashion-obsessed readers, and my rates are priced for small businesses and etsy shops, with affordable monthly rates.You can also purchase multiple months in advance at a discounted price.
Email me at mystylepill [at] gmail [dot] com for more info (subject line: Sponsor Inquiry).
***On that note, I would like to welcome the lovely, lovely online boutique, Poetrie, as a new sponsor of My Style Pill. I am thrilled to be working with them and highly recommend you head over to take a peek at their site to check out their new Fall Lookbook. And if you are in need of the perfect dress for an upcoming party and or winter soiree, I guarantee you will find something special here. Use the code THANKFUL to get ten percent off your next purchse! (I already have my eye on this dress.)***
Happy Thanksgiving!
Much love.