When I get dressed in the morning, my process usually involves me basing an entire outfit around one thing, then I build the rest from there. For instance, let’s say I feel in the mood for a sleek, stylized look, complete with a Scallop Plate statement necklace, (photos to come!) I create my entire outfit around that piece. The same goes when I am daydreaming of outfits and creating them online. This ensemble started when I was on Cupcakes and Cashmere today and saw these lovely headbands. I checked out the site and found one I adored. It inspired me so much, that I decided to create an outfit around it, which coincidentally includes the watch necklace that I previously posted about.
I started with the headband, which reminded me of the beach and seaside style from the 1920s. Then, that made me think of high waisted, pleated shorts, which would look great with a light-weight pastel-colored blouse…tucked in of course. Next, I searched for some sandals and settled on these because of their vintage appeal and the fact that they were woven. (Woven, flat sandals are great for summer.) Lastly, I threw in the awesome watch necklace I found on ModCloth, then topped it off with the headband, which I would wear over my bangs, with my hair down, et voila! Perfect for walking on a “Boardwalk by the Sea.”