Hi friends! So, I am a tad jet lagged and have a ton of catching up to do today so I don’t have a typical outfit post up, but I do have some fun photos from the wedding this past weekend! I was so honored to be a bridesmaid in my friend Allison’s wedding, and she was kind enough to let us choose which black dress we wanted to wear. Awesome. I searched around for the perfect dress and finally found it at White House | Black Market. I am sensing a remix coming soon…
Me and my friend Heather on the way to the reception. Yes, the wedding party all rode over together in a school bus. It was awesome.
Me and my friend Maria, who flew in from Paris!
The girls. : ) Left to right, Lisa, Allison, me and Agatha. We have all known each other since we were 11-years-old. That’s 17 years of friendship! LOVE YOU GUYS and CONGRATULATIONS ALLISON AND KEVIN! xoxo