So, after the Milly show last Wednesday, I came home and relaxed a bit before heading back out to a party put on by Refinery 29, Thrillist and Gilt Groupe with a special performance by Of Montreal. I ran into Kelly there and we got our photo taken as we walked in. (Recognize this outfit?) She was kind enough to snap a shot of my full outfit and a close up my hair. Click below to see the photos!
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My Outfit: Milly RTW Spring 2010
Yesterday afternoon I went with my friend Malorie of Cameo PR to the Milly show. The collection was incredible—more to come on that soon—and afterward I met Malorie’s friend Sabrina of A New Mode, who is super cool. We all went back stage and then sat in the lounge eating Pop Burgers and drinking champagne. Yum! It was a lovely way to spend an afternoon. After hanging out for a bit, I ran home, did some work and then got all gussied up to go meet my friend Amy for a drink before heading to the Gilt/Refinery 29 party. Outfit photo to come soon!
My Outfit:
Sunglasses: PacSun, gift from the Weardrobe Conference!
Necklaces: Buffalo Exchange, Fred Flare
Earrings: Urban Outfitters
Shirt: Buffalo Exchange, gift from the store in Williamsburg!
Blazer: Banana Republic
Jeans: Cheap Monday, gift from the Weardrobe Conference!
Booties: F21
Click below to see detail shots!