Yesterday was such a lovely day in New York. Fall was upon us once again and I took full advantage of the crisp, sunny weather. I spent most of the day with one of my best friends, Allie from Swatchbook, and her pup Frankie, wandering around Central Park admiring the colors of the changing leaves. To see photos of my outfit, and her adorable pooch, click below!
My Outfit: Rainy Sunday
When it’s raining outside, what’s better than pulling on your rain boots, popping open your umbrella and jumping in puddles all day? Click below to see my rainy day photos!Read more
Outfit Remix: Seeing Double
So, remember yesterday when I re-blogged The Glamourai’s post about ankle/shoe jewels? Well, I mentioned how I also bought similar gray lace tights, which I promptly put on the minute I got home. Well, seeing how I couldn’t just prance around in my tights for the rest of the day, I went about creating an outfit for myself. I found that I was drawn to my striped dress, faux fur vest and braided necklace combination, then threw on my black bowler hat and black ankle booties for a nice contrast. I snapped a few photos and then realized that my little ensemble was almost identical to an outfit I wore a couple weeks ago. Here is a comparison of the two. I think it’s fun to re-wear an almost identical outfit again, and then just alter it slightly by changing out the accessories to give it some new flair. So, as close as these two looks are, which one is your favorite?
My Outfit:
Earrings: UO
Bracelet: (Actually a necklace!) H&M
Necklace: Fred Flare
Faux fur vest: BB Dakota from ModCloth
Dress: H&M, thrifted from Buffalo Exchange
Tights: UO
Boots: F21
My Outfit: Armani/Casa and Elle Decor Party
Tuesday night I met up with some friends at the Armani/Casa store in Soho for a party thrown by Elle Decor, hosted by EIC, Margaret Russell, and John Mayer! I was so convinced he was going to sing, but sadly he never did. Two of my friends got their photo taken with him though! Anyway, it was a very lovely, glamorous party and I had a great time. I love this dress, which I got at a sample sale event a couple years ago, but I usually wear it during the warmer months, with no tights and peep-toed nude heels. So, seeing that it was extremely chilly out that night and the wind was blowing like crazy, I took the opportunity to try wearing basic black tights with it instead. Lastly, I knew I wanted to add a little bling to my look, so I topped off my outfit with my go-to piece for instant glitz, which is my trusty multi-layered chain necklace from Buffalo Exchange. Works like a charm, every time!
My Outfit:
Blazer: H&M
Necklace: Buffalo Exchange
Dress: Debra Rodman
Tights: ?
Shoes: F21
Bracelet: (Actually a necklace) H&M
Inspired By: The Glamourai
Lanvin, spring 2010
Kelly’s DIY take on the lovely shoe/ankle jewels.
The other day I was perusing my favorite fashion blogs and came across this photo on Kelly’s blog, The Glamourai, and was instantly taken with the idea. (Read her original post here!) I love the ones she created on her own, shown above, and have to admit, I loved her look so much, that I went out and bought similar tights and gathered some chains to make my own version of this cool trend. I guess imitation is flattery at its finest, right?
Stay tuned to see what I come up with!
Thanks Kelly!
My Outfit: Foxy Lady
My Outfit: Breakfast Date
I’m back from my Brooklyn breakfast date with Jess and feeling rejuvenated and ready to work, just like I always do whenever I am finished hanging out with this inspirational go-get-’em girl. This morning it was a cool 55 degrees so I felt the need to break out my new wool gray tights. As per usual, my outfit usually develops from one item in particular—today, tights being said item—and so I decided to rock my plaid “winter shorts” with my tall suede equestrian-esque boots. The forecast said it would gradually get warmer, so I opted for no coat, but threw on a wool pinstripe blazer and turtleneck instead, along with my favorite red plaid Christmas scarf to give the muted outfit a pop of color. I popped on the hat for an added touch for fun. I meant to take more detail shots, but my camera battery started to die, but can you see the two patterns of the jacket and shorts against each other? I like the contrast of the three color palettes—red, gray and light tan—mixed together, and the plaid versus stripe. Man, I love pattern mixing.
Click below to read more about my outfit and to see some cute shots of a sweet breakfast treat and the fabulous blogger behind What I Wore!
My Outfit: Flower Girl
Okay, I am up to six different outfits that include this dress as the main piece. I dug this little maroon caplet/cropped blazer from the depths of my closet and went the retro route again. I pinned an over-sized silk flower to my jacket, which made me feel very 1940s. Loved it!
These four photos show the evolution of the outfit, and how I tweaked it bit by bit. First adding gloves and then the final touch, a simple black belt. So, tell me, what’s your favorite version? Hope you all had a lovely weekend, and Happy Columbus day!
P.S. Stay tuned later today to see all six outfits!
My Outfit:
Sunglasses:Vintage from 20Twenty
Necklace: Grandmother’s vintage watch on chain
Dress: Vintage, thrifted from Buffalo Exchange
Belt: F21
Flower: H&M
Caplet/Blazer: F21
Gloves: H&M
Tights: ?
Shoes: Vintage Ferragamo heels, thrifted from Beacon’s Closet