Just felt like sharing this pretty photo on such a wet, snowy day. Really loving this pretty gray scarf and how it wraps around like a big cozy blanket.
Some Style Inspiration.
Here are two looks I plan on recreating. The first photo was shot by The Sartorialist and I haven’t been able to stop coming back to it. I think it’s because I own Dansko clogs and used to wear them as a waitress back in college, so I always forget that they can be worn in different ways besides just for food service purposes. However, in reality I should really be taking style cues from my Mom who rocks these clogs like no other, so I’ve decided I am going to as well. Definitely looking forward to this outfit recreation.
The second image I found on Pinterest (I love this site—check out my profile—and you should join if you haven’t already!) via Poppytalk. What an easy and chic outfit! I have similar jeans from Tory Burch that are loud and extremely patterned and I have been trying to think of creative ways to style them up. Miss Moss gave me just the inspiration I needed. Stripes! Stripes seem to be my answer to everything when it comes to clothing. Good thing I own a lot of these types of tops…
Obsessed With: Burnt Orange
Photo via The Sartorialist
You all know how much I love my burnt orange shorts from Urban Outfitters, which I wore here and here, so imagine if I owned this top. Oh the outfits that could be created with this lovely piece.
So, if anyone sees something similar to this, please leave a comment letting me know,with a link if possible! Thank you, and happy Wednesday! xoxo
A Little Inspiration For A Rainy Week
This week it’s supposed to rain like crazy, so when the weather gets me down (and threatens to drown my camera on its tripod), I look to my favorite street style photographers for a little suss to get me through the glum weather. Here are a few of my favorites from around the web. xoxo
Photo Credit: The Sartorialist
This maple-colored cropped leather jacket and nubby gray scarf makes for a yummy autumnal combo.
Photo Credit: Altamira
My new must-have: A light gray and white checkered flannel for fall
Photo Credit: Citizen Couture
I was considering returning to bangs for the fall, but this girl’s striking middle part and long flowing waves has me thinking twice!
Get the Look: Girl with Bike
Shot by The Sartorialist, this is a perfect outfit for the park. And the best part? Each item below is under $30! What’s better than that?!
Inspired By: Girl with Bike
I was on The Sartorialist today, catching up on the past few days worth of posts, and came across this cute girl. This photo was taken at Governor’s Island during the The annual Jazz-Age Lawn Party, which was this past Saturday and Sunday. I attended last year and had a blast, but sadly didn’t make it this time around. Maybe next year! If you haven’t been yet, I highly recommend you check it out!
P.S. I am working on a fun Get The Look for this outfit, so keep a look out for it tomorrow morning! SPxx
Hip from head to toe.
Photo from streetstyl.es via The Sartorialist
Just a little something amazing to help bring a smile to your face on this rainy Tuesday. And, for those of you in sunnier regions, then something to help make your smile even bigger than it already is.
P.S. I think this little boy just became my style icon.
My Love Affair With Menswear.
Romney Leader—Associate Fashion Editor, Style.com
The incredible Garance Dore.
As I was perusing all my favorite blogs, I came across these incredible shots from The Sartorialist and Garance Dore, which I just had to share with you. I have loved menswear for quite some time and it seems now, more than ever, this is its time to be in the spotlight. I think what I love the most is the slightly androgynous look that comes out of a woman wearing men’s clothing. It is such a unique challenge, to pull it off in a way that you still look sexy and like a woman versus just a woman in a man’s clothes. It sounds contradictory, and it is very tricky. However, when done well, the results are pretty fantastic.
The last image is of Garance herself, in an articule that Refinery 29 did on her, regarding street style. The photos of her are amazing. To see more, check it out here!
What do you think of menswear on women? Do you think it is sexy o do you prefer more feminine accents, like ruffles and bows? Do share, I would love to know your thoughts! SPxx
Photo credits: The Sartorialist, Garance Dore, Refinery 29